Insider Trades

Insider Trades

There is no change in number of shares. The increase of interest is due to share buy-back by way of market acquisition by the Company.

Announce Date [Date of Effective Change] Buyer/ Seller Name [Type*] S/ W/ U ** Bought/ (Sold) ('000) Price ($) After Trade Note
No. of Shares ('000) *** % Held ***
Jun 12, 2018
[Jun 11, 2018]
PEK LIAN GUAN [DIR] S 45 0.400 2,224 0.50 Pek Lian Guan is deemed interested in the bonds held by his spouse, Ong Geok Toe
Jun 12, 2018
[Jun 11, 2018]
PEK LIAN GUAN [DIR] S 29 0.403 2,180 0.49
Pek Lian Guan is deemed interested in the bonds held by his spouse, Ong Geok Toe
May 25, 2018
[May 24, 2018]
PEK LIAN GUAN [DIR] S 159 0.395 2,151 0.48 Pek Lian Guan is deemed interested in the bonds held by his spouse, Ong Geok Toe
Mar 21, 2018
[Mar 20, 2018]
Peck Tiong Choon (Private) Limited [SSH] S - - 303,459 68.01 There is no change in number of shares. The increase of interest is due to share buy-back by way of market acquisition by the Company.

Feb 28,2018
[Feb 27,2018]

Lee It Hoe [SSH]

S - - 286,275 64.00 There is no change in number of shares. The increase of interest is due to share buy-back by way of market acquisition by the Company.

Dec 1,2017
[Dec 1,2017]

The estate of Pek Ah Tuan [SSH]

S - -



There is no change in number of shares. The increase of interest is due to share buy-back by way of market acquisition by the Company.

Aug 30,2017
[Aug 30,2017]

Tiong Seng Shareholdings Pte. Ltd. [SSH]

S - -


60.10 There is no change in number of shares. The increase of interest is due to share buy-back by way of market acquisition by the Company.

Jun 14,2017
[Jun 14,2017]

Peck Tiong Choon {Private) Limited [SSH]

S - -


67.08 There is no change in number of shares. The increase of interest is due to share buy-back by way of market acquisition by the Company.

May 23,2017
[May 22,2017]

Lee It Hoe [SSH] S - -



There is no change in number of shares. The increase of interest is due to share buy-back by way of market acquisition by the Company.

May 16,2017
[May 15,2017]

Pek Lian Guan [DIR]

S 402 0.265 1,675 0.37 Pek Lian Guan is deemed interested in the bonds held by his spouse, Ong Geok Toe

May 13,2016
[May 12,2016]

Pek Lian Guan [DIR] S 250 0.961 500 - Pek Lian Guan is deemed interested in the bonds held by his spouse, Ong Geok Toe

May 25, 2015
[May 22, 2015]

Pek Lian Guan [DIR]

S 145 0.140 2,545 0.28 Pek Lian Guan is deemed interested in the bonds held by his spouse, Ong Geok Toe

Jul 3, 2014
[Jul 4, 2014]

Pek Lian Guan [DIR] S 250 1.000 250 - Pek Lian Guan is deemed interested in the bonds held by his spouse, Ong Geok Toe
* DIR - Director (include Directors of related companies)
SSH - Substantial Shareholder
COY - Company Share Buyback
** S - Shares
W - Warrants
U - Units
R - Rights
*** Direct & Deemed Interests


  1. Only trades by directors, substantial shareholders and company share buy back are included in Insider Trades.
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